You Have to Know
Such perfect days they were,
as you were always on my mind.
So beautifully appealing
with your fascinating eyes.
Your irresistible smile, your laughter
kindled intensive intrigue,
and encouraged faithful ties.
Every day from across the way
your exquisite face shone bright.
You had to know
that I would think of you
most every single night.
Your heart felt always close to me,
then life got in the way.
Some unexpected heartache came,
but in all truth,
you, I could never blame.
And now from across the table
we catch up and remember when.
You had to know
that I loved you so,
even way back then.
Our lives have sped so far ahead
to a content and welcome place.
Any pondered paths not taken,
there’s no need
for us to trace.
Imagine a ship across the ocean
that faithfully sails back home.
You have to know that I’m anchored close,
and my heart shall dare not let you go.
A note from Chris
I dedicate this poem to my Angel Princess. “You Have to Know” probably generates more genuine emotional response from so many people that read it than any poem that I have written. It could possibly be that most of us can relate to a personal loss of love or friendship due to distance or just life events. There is nothing more joyous to the heart than when true love is discovered for the first time or re-discovered after so much time. The fine art paintings are by Steve Hanks. The beauty of the ocean scenes along with the poetic concept of being “anchored close” guided my choice to use Steve’s beautiful paintings.
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