“Dawn of New Love” ~ painting by Ronnie Biccard, used with her express permission
She Said
I close my eyes and imagine
your gentle and soft touch.
Please know that I need you close,
and I love you so very much.
I love to watch you watchin’ me,
catchin’ you even when I sleep.
I know that true faith and devotion
confirms our special love so deep.
I adore the silly looks and giggles,
when we tickle, tease and play.
Your knowing smile and sly glances
assure intrigue, encourage me to stay.
Your hands send chills, I accept your kiss,
so sweet and tender as I taste your lips.
In my heart I will forever feel such bliss,
as from our cup of love we take our sips.

“Let Me Whisper in Your Ear” ~ painting by Ronnie Biccard, used with her express permission
A note from Chris
I am very grateful to my guest artist Ronnie Biccard for her permission to use her paintings paired
with my original poem for this post.
You can learn more about Ronnie and her art on her blogsite and gallery! Also see her Flickr Stream here!
© Chris Wood 2022 All Rights Reserved

From her “Spirit Woman” series ~ painting by Ronnie Biccard, used with her express permission
I love what “She Said” Nice illustrations too!
Thank you Millie so very much for loving this poem and post. I do agree….I absolutely love what “She Said” too.