Art credit with much appreciation to Vladimir Volegov ~ “In the Shadows with Flowers”
It’s the Slightest Things
The slightest golden glint
of sunlight in your hair,
with your playful loving touches
make me slightly more aware.
The bare essence of your beauty
is a need I want to crave.
Was that just an imagined glance
with the slightest grin you gave?
Your slightest playful smile
guarantees my rich reward.
There’s every precious memory
in our hearts forever stored.
Intimate moments that embolden
and fatefully stir our slightest urge.
Two lives with hearts committed
that steadily and faithfully merge.
Without any slightest care
or conceivable hesitation,
dancing to life’s rhythms
delighting in every fascination.
Now with happiness entwined
in our absolute devotion,
these slightest sweetest moments
intensify love’s intoxicating potion.

Art credit with great appreciation to Vladimir Volegov ~ “Mediterranean Sun”
A Note From Chris
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