Your Light Shines Bright
“My mind eternally fascinated,
as you dance across the floor.
My eyes helplessly transfixed,
as you melt me to my core.”
Picture of a Perfect Christmas
“Each perfect thoughtful gift’s unwrapped,
presented with a playful grin,
but not before we wonder and
deliberate on what possibly could lie within.”
Forever In Sync
“Exploring passionate pathways
delighting in every dream.
Expecting love’s excitement
to faithfully reign supreme.”
A Most Romantic Interlude
“Not wanting any of the passion
and heat to subside,
only trusting that our love
would unequivocally preside.”
Moonlight’s Rhapsody
“Hide and seek moon,
focus on you,
my brilliant star attraction.
Our soft lips play,
fine cabernet,
flavors each chain reaction.”
On The Day We Met
“To be sure,
facing eternity this early in the day
is not possibly what you expected,
and not necessarily a piece of cake!”
Essential to My Every Day
“Your confident
bewitching smile
confirms our love
in every way.”
The Picnic
“The wine and cheese patiently await their fate,
as we explore the possibilities
and just how well we both relate.”
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