In Fragrant Close Proximity
“So easily tempted, I strategize.
Perhaps some stealthy surprise
is what I playfully surmise.”
You Have to Know
“Every day from across the way
your exquisite face shone bright.
You had to know
that I would think of you
most every single night.”
Be My Valentine
“Exploring passionate pathways
delighting in every dream.
Expecting love’s excitement
to faithfully reign supreme.”
I Want All of You
“I am carefully exploring each part of you,
your every secret exposed to my delight.
As your fingers slide sweetly into mine,
I want all of you to myself tonight.”
Picture of a Perfect Christmas
“Each perfect thoughtful gift’s unwrapped,
presented with a playful grin,
but not before we wonder
and deliberate on
what possibly could lie within.”
Love’s Enduring Embrace
“Forever flourish my love’s enticing charms.
The allure of your bewitching eyes that playfully
search me in every magical way.
Ways that compel me to come and stay.”
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