Looking Up That Day

Posted by on Sep 11, 2024 in Featured, Heartache, Poetry | 0 comments


Looking Up That Day


Unimaginable to ever think,

that looking up that day

into adoring eyes,

a last time for goodbyes.


Not realizing at the time,

how those moments would securely bind.

Forever connecting hearts to hearts,

and minds to evil mindless acts.


Unbelievable the sight,

those looking up that day,

so many steps to climb,

such brave response, too little time.


How profane this stage to meet one’s destiny,

honor and valor would be their legacy.

Unfathomable their sacrifice,

so unacceptable the price.



A note from Chris

I wrote this on Sunday, September 11, 2011 on the 10th anniversary of the events of 9/11/2001 in NYC.

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© Chris Wood 2016 All Rights Reserved


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