Life Matters
Space matters, I’m rather certain.
For I fear that it could be
a vexing vast expanse,
that separates me
from your touch.
A cold continuum conspiring,
to keep me from your love.
Touch matters, I am positive.
For I live to delight in your embrace,
to caress each essential element
and specific particle of you.
Your essence forever hopeful,
shining love and radiant light
warming every part of me.
Love matters, it’s perpetually true.
For I believe it is a miracle,
perhaps divine intervention,
when love convinces you to make
that quantum leap of faith.
Faith to trust and journey onward
to new worlds with light years to explore.
A note from Chris
One year ago I faced the biggest challenge of my life (and to my faith) with the sudden death of our precious and only child, Justin. He was the light of our home and my world as you can well imagine. He was a special child and was our social butterfly and commentator. Justin lived a very wonderful life with us for 30 years. He was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy at birth and thankfully he shrugged off most of life’s other afflictions and distractions. I miss him greatly. I wrote this two weeks after God decided that his mission here was fulfilled. I am confident that he is in Heaven and with Jesus Christ, his Heavenly Father. That makes me so very happy today!
I am submitting this poem for d’Verse Poets Pub ~ Open Link Night ~ Week 105
© Chris Wood 2013 All Rights Reserved
This is a beautiful love song that has a fit in many circumstances. It is also a celebration of life lived. My heart goes out to you for your loss – a loss so unique that I can only empathize for every loss for every life is particular to itself. Nevertheless, from it you have written a poem that gives joy and comfort to every reader. Lovely.
i would agree…all those things matter…touch for sure, it acknowledges us in ways not much else does…